Let’s collaborate!
In medical-related case matters, mastery of both the medical and nursing aspects is critical to achieving a successful outcome for your client.
Kocent Legal Nurse Consulting can put that level of mastery to work for your legal practice.
We will:
- Assess and analyze medical records
- Prepare concise case reports
- Provide research, validity, and case coordination
- Function as the attorney’s liaison
- Assist with discovery and court preparation
- Work with experts and other witnesses
Services we provide
Avoid being overwhelmed by medical records!
Kocent Legal Nurse Consulting will provide services that cater to your unique medical-legal needs, allowing you time to focus on your client while saving you money.
Case Screening
(Merit Review)
We specialize in Case Screening (Merit Review) involving a comprehensive review and analysis of medical records. Our services encompass providing a verbal or written opinion regarding the case’s merits, accompanied by recommendations for the next step
Written Report
- Includes a Fact & Summary Report and a Chronology or Timeline as applicable.
- We use the most up-to-date medical research.
- Identify, interpret and review medical records for merit
- Identify missing records
- Screen medical records for tampering
- Review hospital policies and procedures
- Define adherence to and deviations from the applicable standards of care
- Conduct medical and nursing literature searches (Medical Illustrations & Medical Definitions may be provided to further assist the attorney).
Expert Witness
(Locating Service)
- Includes phone screening with experts to ensure they are qualified.
- Provide 2-3 recommendations for the attorney to choose the final expert.
- Only charged if an expert we recommend is used
Short Notice Requests/ Last Minute/ RUSH Documents
Includes any service asked to be produced in 10 days or less. Rates will be higher for RUSH Documents
Kocent Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC, provides our attorney clients with comprehensive expertise, from case development through case end. We bridge the gaps between the legal system, medical science, and patient outcomes. Our strong foundation in clinical nursing practice and critical analysis applies the nursing process in evaluating medical information in legal cases, whether for the plaintiff or the defense.